Brown University

Brown University is a prestigious private Ivy League research university in Providence, Rhode Island. Established in 1764, it is the seventh-oldest institution of higher education in the United States.

Brown is known for its distinctive undergraduate curriculum, which allows students to be the architects of their course of study, and for fostering a culture of independent thought and creativity. The University is also renowned for its world-class faculty and robust research programs in various disciplines, from the humanities to the physical sciences.

Brown University, under the leadership of researcher Carolina Haass-Koffler, is actively involved in an innovative clinical trial studying the safety and preliminary effectiveness of MDMA-assisted therapy. This pioneering study targets military veterans suffering from comorbid Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The research encompasses a novel treatment regime that includes MDMA-administered therapeutic sessions complemented by non-drug preparatory and integrative therapy.

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HQ / Office Brown University, Providence, RI, USA