Awaken Your Soul offers iboga retreats in Costa Rica in the Bwiti tradition. The price between $3250-4000 is quite a bit lower than many others are offering iboga retreats for.
The Company
“Awaken Your Soul offers a warm and nurturing approach for those seeking more peace in their lives, helping them feel safe and comfortable to explore their deepest truths. “
The retreat center is situated in the lush jungle of Costa Rica. It is lead by Anthony Esposito and Amber Antonelli.
Founded: 2016-07-21
The Retreat
The retreat consists of 7 days in which two iboga ceremonies are held. Many other options like yoga and massages are possible (at additional charge). The group ranges from 6-8 guests and there is an option for private retreats.
“Committing to this type of work is an investment in you. This is a life-changing and transformative process that is an illumination of the body, mind and soul. Most people note a very defined “before and after” turning point in their lives.”
Costs: from €3250
to €3950
Group Size:
Guide Density:
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