Emory University

Emory University has recently launched the Center for Psychedelics and Spirituality (ECPS). The centre will combine expertise in psychiatry with spiritual health to better understand the therapeutic promise of psychedelics as medicine.

Bringing this vision to life are Co-Directors of the ECPS, Boadie Dunlop, MD, Director of the Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine and George H. Grant, MDiv, PhD, Executive Director for Spiritual Health, Woodruff Health Sciences Center, Emory University.

The ECPS will leverage an active program of clinical and translational psychedelic research to develop and test models of psychedelic-assisted therapy that best support psychedelic-induced spiritual experiences.

The Emory Department of Spiritual Health will focus on the psychological, biological, spiritual and cultural effects of psychedelic therapy, as well as the impact of psychedelic-induced experiences on language use and social behaviour.

Psychedelics will cause harm and benefit. The ECPS will take a leadership role in establishing processes for addressing adverse/iatrogenic effects and a research program to identify populations vulnerable to adverse and null effects.

The ECPS will provide an extensive program of training and education related to psychedelic medicine, including symposia, graduate-level training programs, and hands-on experience working with individuals receiving psychedelics in a clinical setting.

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Emory University Website

October, 2022


Research Institute

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