Apollo Neuro

Apollo Neuroscience is a company focused on developing wearable technology that actively enhances health by using touch therapy. This technology, born from research at the University of Pittsburgh by Dr. David Rabin MD, PhD, a neuroscientist and psychiatrist, leverages vibration frequencies to positively affect the body’s response to stress. Apollo’s wearable device delivers gentle vibrations designed to signal safety to the brain, thereby restoring balance to the nervous system. This method helps users to manage stress, improve sleep quality, enhance focus, and recover from physical exertion more efficiently.

The science behind Apollo’s technology is grounded in decades of research into how vibration frequencies impact the body and our inherent ability to heal ourselves from stress-induced conditions. It has been studied in over 1,700 research subjects across multiple clinical studies, showing significant benefits such as reduced stress and anxiety, improved heart rate variability (HRV), quicker physical recovery, deeper sleep, and enhanced cognitive performance.

Apollo Neuro stands out for not being a biometric tracker but a therapeutic tool, offering a non-invasive and drug-free approach to wellness. By consistently using the device, users can retrain their nervous system to recover from stress more effectively, leading to better overall health and well-being.

Furthermore, Apollo Neuroscience is supported by a Scientific Advisory Board comprising leading experts across health sciences, including those with specialties in sleep medicine, clinical psychology, nutrition, and even the neurobiology of trauma and psychedelic psychotherapy research. This multidisciplinary approach underlines the company’s commitment to evidence-based, scientifically validated methods of improving mental and physical health in the face of modern life’s challenges.

Company Information

Apollo Neuro Website

January, 2016



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HQ / Office Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States