The Sunshine Makers

The Sunshine Makers is a 2015 British documentary that explores the lives of Nicholas Sand and Tim Scully, the central figures of the 1960s American drug counter-culture.

Directed by Cosmo Feilding-Mellen and executive produced by Omar Fayed, the film presents a unique perspective on the unlikely duo behind the production of the well-known strain of LSD. With a mixture of archival footage, interviews, and contemporary video, the film delves into the partners’ goal – to spread love and connectedness worldwide by producing millions of doses of LSD.

The documentary also features their association with the “Brotherhood of Eternal Love,” a group that distributed the drug across the globe. The film is an entertaining and enlightening look at the fascinating characters behind the operation, offering a carefree and positive perspective on the drug counter-culture of the 1960s.

Published: 2015

Type: Documentary Biography History

Director(s): Cosmo Feilding-Mellen

Runtime: 1h31m


Cosmo Feilding Mellen
Cosmo Feilding Mellen is the Director & CEO of Beckley PsyTech. Previously he worked at the Beckley Foundation (with his mother Amanda Feilding) and co-founded Beckley Canopy Therapeutics.

Timothy Leary
Timothy Leary was a clinical psychologist at Harvard, his advocacy for psychedelics (mainly LSD) got him both famous and fired. He is most well-known for the phrase "turn on, tune in, drop out."